Winter Restrictions in Effect

Winter road restrictions are in effect any time the winter restrictions sign is posted on the gate. During winter restrictions, only snow vehicles—such as snowmobiles, snow cats, and ATVs—are permitted on BSR roads. Cars, trucks, and 4-wheel drive vehicles are not permitted until restrictions are lifted. At this time, we highly recommend tracked ATVs or snowcats only due to patches of snow (either frozen or very soft), mud, and areas lacking either.

As a reminder, large trucks and commercial vehicles are typically restricted for an additional 1-3 weeks after the winter restrictions are lifted (depending on weather). This is to prevent costly damage to the still-soft roads.

We are monitoring the weather, the remaining snow, and the road conditions in general with hopes of lifting the restriction some time soon. It is, however, too soon to know when we will be able to lift the restrictions. Recent Spring storms have slowed the melting and sometimes added new snow.

Please check back here or on our Facebook page before assuming restrictions have been lifted.